Key Number 2: Model A Mentor - Shifflett Brothers

Dec 16, 2015

So, you may have missed the Four Keys To Growing As An Artist but...

... once I finished the periscope I saw these two great twitter posts by the Shiflett brothers and it was an amazing opportunity to work on KEY NUMBER TWO: Model A Mentor.

Modeling someone requires a specific kind of analysis. You need to look for patterns and there is one VERY LARGE pattern staring us in the face.

The first Pattern is that they work Big to Small. The Upper right of the first image shows that they are thinking about: Shoulder, Arm, Lower Arm, Cube of the Head, Triangle of the Torso.

The second Pattern is that they create forms with a specific SHAPE to them: Cube of the Head, for example.

So, they work big to small and they start with specific shapes. That's cool. Can you see anything else?

Notice how the DELTOID evolves. Notice how they actually have the three distinct parts of the deltoid. The clavicular, the acromium process and the scapula at a very early stage and then go in to create the individual "fingers" that make up the muscle striations.

Now, I'll leave you with one more pattern that I see over and over. They DO NOT SMOOTH. They place the form and leave it. They let forms BUTT UP AGAINST each other.

What else do you see?


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