Are you ready to…

Identify Your Mission, Stop Trading Time For Dollars, & Put A Dent In The Universe?

Tired of being over worked and under paid... having no job security... and doing work you Don't love?

 … It's Time To Package, Position & Launch You!

(Online courses, blogs, social media, emails...)

What would your life be like if you were making an extra $5K a month? How about an extra $100K a year?


The key to becoming a Rainmaker is to package your expertise into an Online Empire with Authenticity and Influence in your niche.


But then... who am I to tell you that...

Hi, my name is Ryan Kingslien.

My journey to owning my own business, affecting the lives of over 10,000 students and building a name for myself in my industry all started with a boss that threatened to fire me... three times.

I remember thinking, I've worked way too hard...  I've studied way too long to have someone else have this much control over my life.  

Then came my Do or Die moment.  

Basically, my wife told me she was pregnant with our first child, now called “princess”, “Aisha”, “love of my life”...

I have an “Adi” too, whose inner voice tells him, in his own words “I don’t want to be a tiger, I want to be a dinosaur”. :)

Anyways, I felt it was now or never... so with one Amex card (with a $1,000 limit) we built our first site working 12 hours a day.

That first Online Course made $19,530 in two months and I was ecstatic.

I've since gone on to generate multiple seven figures in revenue, transform many professionals into “Influencers” and impact their life and their students life. You see the chain reaction?

Today, my business gives me the Freedom to live life on my terms. Live where I want. Focus on the things I want to focus and Surround myself with the people I want to be around.

I'm so incredibly grateful and excited to teach you how “you” can do it.

Most people who dream of launching an online class or building an Online Empire don’t realize there is one serious obstacle that stands in their way.

And it is Not what you think?

What is it?

Well, before I tell you, let me ask you a question:

If you've wanted to create products or an Online Course for a while...

Or if you’ve created one and not had the success you know you can…

which of these applies to you:

  • You want to make sure you can control as much as possible, so you subscribe to and study everything you can get your hands on rather than executing on what you already know…
  • The planning never stops -- in fact, your plans have plans in them... but nothing is ever finished or “ready” enough to start making money from.
  • The thought of putting yourself out there paralyzes you with a fear of judgement... after all you might make a mistake and people will see that you’re not perfect.
  • You’re very worried you don't have the social media following necessary to be successful so you avoid taking that leap and trusting yourself.


How much of that applies to you? Well, maybe now you know why you're stuck. 

You're in the...

The Expert Mindset


The Expert Mindset is a way of thinking about your work and all the things someone needs to be good at their job (it’s just not necessarily the same stuff you need to build a business.)...

In fact, it's a mindset that puts Entrepreneurs (just like you) on the path to pain, frustration, and confusion from the beginning…

And leads to a lot of wasted time & energy along the way.


An “Expert Mindset” is what keeps you stuck Working on your life and not living it.  As an expert, your goal is MASTERY, but building an online empire requires a creative entrepreneurial toolset. Your core strategies of “being better” and “knowing more” simply lead you to avoid doing the work that will actually make this happen. I don’t have to tell you but this is a broken strategy!


  • It’s what keeps you delaying… unable to start...acquiring strategy after strategy… waiting till you can “do it the right way”.


  • It’s what keeps you doubting... am I good enough… taking those jobs you don’t love… working for other people’s vision… Getting job performance reports for doing something you never dreamed about doing.


  • It’s what keeps you debating... will they buy it… all the while knowing you are missing out on the life you were meant to live… unable to commit to your greatness.


The Expert Mindset has helped you build Authority in your industry but as they say in the shipping business...



Start Thinking Like An Influencer!


  • Influencers know their job is to point the way for others to their own greatness... Experts think they need to know everything before they start.
  • Influencers are excited to add value to their community and build a following... Experts think they need a following.
  •  Influencers productize their knowledge to create real financial freedom... Experts trade time for dollars…
  • Influencers know that it's essential to be a creative Entrepreneur and create a portfolio of revenue streams... Experts think their skills are their only financial security.
  •  Influencers know that feedback is priceless…Experts are terrified of anything that effects their status. 

Genuine Influencers are leaders.

They know that making money is easy; Making a difference is the hard part.

When you breakthrough the expert mindset and start thinking like an Influencer, you’ll get very clear on what you need to do to package, position & launch your expertise into an Online Empire.

You’ll reach more people than you ever thought possible.

You’ll make a far bigger difference than you ever dared to dream was possible.

Once you start thinking like an Influencer you’ll start acting like one too. And that’s important because…



In the beginning it can seem like it’s a high school popularity contest.

You spend your time crafting the perfect social media post to tell people about your course. You act nonchalant and casual. Then compulsively check your Instagram to see the response…

Do they like me?  Did anyone comment?  What did they say? Was anyone mean?

But we're Not talking about becoming a Social Media Influencer here who spends their day on SEO and keywords.

After all, every High school student eventually grows up and realizes that those who were popular aren’t necessarily successful.

Those who are successful learned that the key to success is adding lasting value to people’s lives.

I mean, can you imagine a 40 year old trying to cash in on the “success” of his high school football fame? (It doesn’t last that long.)

So why would you worry about validating yourself in the notoriously short lived attention span of social media?


It's all about IMPACT.


Real Influencers, like entrepreneurs, understand that the key to building wealth in their life and any sort of financial freedom is to add Value to the lives of others.

While an expert may be focused on turning their knowledge into products that help people pick up a new technique or software...

Real Influencers know the key to having an Impact and Making A Difference in people's lives comes from this one thing...

Your Impact = Your Mission

The difference between Experts and Influencers really comes down to this one thing: MISSION.

Influencers have a Mission.

Experts have goals, tasks, and to-do lists.

Experts focus on their skills... their abilities... their comfort zone.

Influencers focus on pushing their comfort zone... leveraging the resources around them... and being a leader in their community.


Do Your Know What Your Mission In Life Is?

You've probably already googled "how to launch online classes" or "online marketing". Maybe you've even bought a course or two or three...

But if you're like most experts... you're not making traction. You just can't figure out how to turn your expertise into a class or a brand that makes a difference in your life much less your prospective customers.

The problem is that learning "How" is not enough...

You've got to change the way you "Show Up" for your customers and your community.

And that comes when you discover how to turn your expertise into a MISSION to that Impacts and Changes People's Lives.

Yes, You're The Expert...

...but it's time to discover your Mission and become an Influencer in your industry.


And that's EXACTLY what I'm here to do: help you PACKAGE, POSITION, & LAUNCH a business built around YOU faster and easier than you ever could on your own!








  • You'll get the same system I designed as an Influencer to launch over 100 courses and generate mulitple seven figures in revenue.
  • You'll get weekly work and be pushed to grow yourself and build your business.

  • You'll discover your Mission and the one thing you must do to productize it into an empire that reaches thousands.. 
  • You'll get the simple processes that help you reach the people who matter to you - so you can stop worrying about your Facebook or Instagram likes.
  • You'll breakthrough the mental blocks that have kept you chained to your regular job - empower your unique voice to make a difference in the world.


Each module in the Business Bootcamp: Influencer Method contains videos and exercises specifically created to get you out of your head and into the Action!  

Here's what you'll get when you sign up for Ryan Kingslien's INFLUENCER METHOD today...

Module #1
The First Pillar: Your Mission

The First Pillar of the Influencer Method is your Mission!

It's time to pull this all together, get aligned and focus on what truly drives you.

In Module 1, you'll discover your Mission as we flesh out your mission map and create the foundation of your business.

Inside Module #1, You'll:

  • Identify your mission & develop your Mission Plan.
  • Get aligned and breakthrough your Limiting Beliefs

and more...

Then once you have this information we'll...

"You are real inspiration Ryan. Your authentic and vulnerable sharing is the key, and your intellect is the vehicle/delivery system. Great job! "

- Chris Petrocchi

Module #2
The Second Pillar: Brand YOU

The second pillar to the Influencer Method is to discover your Brand!

No one can be you and that is your power.

In Module 2 you learn the secret to unlocking your inner genius' power.

Using a series of exercises we'll identify the core elements of your brand and build your brand map.

Inside Module #2, You'll:

  • Identify your talents and your core values.
  • Identify your important life stories and define your Brand stories.

and more...

Then once you have this information we'll...

Module #3
The Third Pillar: Creating Content

The Third Pillar of the Influencer Method is Content, Content, Content.

Podcasts, Social posts, Blogs, Webinars... Content is the manifestation of your brand and your mission.

In Module 3 you'll explore the Influencer Method framework and identify your path to growing your audience, your reach and your impact.

We'll cover the ways the habits and the routines that you need to be a content producing machine!

Inside Module #3, You'll Discover:

  • The three Types of content that sell.
  • The secret magic of the Content Lifecycle.
  • The keys to simple and powerful course outlines that lead to powerful content.

and more...

With this road map it's time to...


"I don't say that lightly. I love teaching. But my approach has not been solid. There are many things you're saying that I've never heard. They seem simple and common sense, but they've never occurred to me. For example: Getting a student to a win as quickly as possible to get them addicted. When you said that, I mentally gasped. I lose a LOT of tech students because the work is difficult and time consuming. I might not lose so many if I get them some early wins. So simple, yet it had never occurred to me. That hurts my pride a little. :-) But, as I tell my karate students, getting punched isn't always a bad thing."

- Brian Dixon

Module #4
The Fourth Pillar: Create A Course

The Fourth Pillar of the Influencer Method is Online Courses.

The key is understanding the student's needs and knowing the outcome that matters to them most.

Discover where their outcomes meet up with your mission and your brand and you'll discover an entire ecosystem of products that you can bring to the market.

There are students for everything from coaching programs to video courses to text based courses. Think like an Influencer and stretch your possibilities as a teacher!

Inside Module #4, You'll Discover:

  • Camera, lights, & scripting essentials for course creators
  • The crazy power of live webinars to impact students
  • The easiest course to produce.

and more...

Once our content is 50% created it's time to start thinking about...

Module #5
Set Up Your Business

There are Four areas we need to focus on to create successful courses: Marketing, Payment. Delivery, & Over Delivery.

Peter Drucker said Business is two things: Marketing and Innovation. What I love about online courses is that they are built around you and your innovative way of thinking about your topic. So, you start with innovation and once you learn how to set up the marketing and delivery mechanims you life will be forever changed.

In Module 5, you'll deep dive into the essential choices you must make when setting up your course for scale.

This is one of my favorite chapters because it's the one area that has changed more than any other over the last two years.

Inside Module #5, You'll Discover:

  • The Platforms and Tools I use everyday.
  • The number one thing you should Not do (to save yourself thousands).
  • The most important tool you'll need (I'll give you a hint: Landing Pages!)

and more...

As soon as we've made our decisions and set up our new business venture we'll...

"Great videos...I found them very easy to absorb...liked your candid delivery, and back story. Out of everything , what stuck out for me was what you said about "being of service". My struggle is the confidence part, has always been. I've been working toward being an entrepreneur for a while now, doing freelance and lots of self learning, but haven't found my foothold yet. That psychological part you also mentioned, is my biggest hurdle. I have skill, and a decent amount of experience, but am always held back by my fears (my perfectionism, which prevents me from taking risks, and overcoming failures...ultimately snuffing out any progress I've made). Looking forward to more of your videos. "

- Dane Saunders

Module #6
Craft An Amazing Sales Funnel

Create a Sales Funnel without coming off as a sales guy or girl...

Nobody likes being sold a good... we merely put up with it because there is no other way... Or is there...

In Module 6, we'll unpack the mystery of a strong sales funnel that increases your connection with your audience.

By Giving to your prospective students first, often and all the time you can change the dynamic and get your prospective students to ask to pay you.

Inside Module #6, You'll Discover:

  • The anatomy of a Sales Funnel that converts looky loos to customers.
  • The number one rookie mistake and how to fix it (The Give, The Get, The Ask)
  • How to create a killer sequence that lets your prospective students convince themselves

and more...

With a killer sales funnel on our hands it's time to start focusing on what we are selling by focusing on the...

Module #7
Write A Sales Page That Converts

Prospective students don't encounter you directly. They encounter your Message.

Too many people focus on information-only approach to marketing but as the market matures and as more people enter into the online teaching space it's important to shift your focus from the Product to the Process. The Process is helps you shine and creates that Must-Have feeling in your customer.

In Module 7, we get very clear on messaging.

We'll make sure your message fits your prospects awareness of you and of the market and create a compelling message that blows past the competitions information-only approach.

Inside Module #7, You'll Discover:

  • Craft a message that breaks through the Lizard brain and connects with your customer.
  • Diagnose Prospect Awareness so you know exactly where to focus your message.
  • Learn how Gene Schwartz's five stages of market maturity can increase your sales.

and more...

At this point, we've got the funnel planned, we've got the sales page and our message crafted so it's time to...

"Love your training Ryan. You have a level of clarity at I resonate with. I have a shot at delivering a teaching product that can be instructive, fun and educational. I can't think of a single burdensome stone that was not left unturned."

- Stephen Gibson

Module #8
Launch Like An Influencer

The key to great marketing is something they call Education Marketing.

Most people have a hard time asking for the sale because they aren't aware of how much they have already given. In this module, you'll learn how to sequence your email, over deliver and turn making the sale into a no-brainer.

In Module 9, I'll show you my simple strategy for converting my life experiences into stories that deepen my connection with my core audience.

When you Give, Give, and Give you create reciprocity with your prospective student and all you have to Get is to Ask. The secret to wealth is to create value in other people's lives and this is where the Giver in us really shines!

Inside Module #8, You'll Discover:

  • How to create the proper email sequences of Give, Give, Give, Get.
  • How to create compelling sales videos that convert.
  • How to Over Deliver and convert customers to raving fans.

and more...


"Ryan this is so so great I have done loads of marketing courses and pretty much got the website, platform social media channels and seo sorted, but it's so good to hear you doing this course as every marketing course I have done has not been in the creative field I realise that the approach is the same, but some key elements your adding such as building a closer relationship to your students really resonates with me!"

David Newton


VALUE $497

The Webinar Launch Formula

My seven module class that teaches you how to launch your first class with minimal risk using webinars..

In this course, you'll learn how I launched 100+ online classes profitably and grew my brand. 

Inside WEBINAR LAUNCH FORMULA, You'll Discover:

  • In Module 1, how to plan your webinar for success.
  • In Module 2, learn how to choose your webinar platform, the perfect time to go live and setting things up.
  • In Module 3, learn how to promote your webinar.
  • In Module 4, How to hold your webinar and what to do next!
  • In Module 5, you'll learn how to create a simple sales page that converts!
  • In Module 6, you'll learn how to write and sequence emails.
  • In Module 7, you'll learn how to Launch and what to do next!



VALUE $197


My team has managed over one million dollars in Facebook advertising.

In this course, you'll learn how to make Facebook Ads work for you and how to scale them 

Inside FACEBOOK, You'll Discover:

  • In Module 1, the simple formula for getting results.
  • In Module 2, working with conversions, costs, and tracking data
  • In Module 3, about building Audiences.
  • In Module 4, How to create killer content using simple online tools!
  • In Module 5, you'll learn how to integrate your ad strategy with your content strategy to create synergies!


By the end of these 10 modules, you’ll have completely transformed the way you think and act as a creator. You’ll be ready to take on any challenge. You’ll have customers who LOVE you and the content you offer.

Package, Position & Launch You!

Act Before The Timer Hits Zero To Join The September Cohort









Choose A Payment Plan



  • 8 Modules of dynamic content
  • Step-by-step guides, & checklists to building your brand
  • Step-by-step guides & checklists to launching your online product.
  • In-depth marketing & strategy modules
  • In-depth behind-the-scenes modules
  • 8 weekly LIVE group meetings with Ryan Kingslien
  • 12 module step by step course on creating your online course ($997 Value)
  • 7 module Webinar Launch Formula course ($497 Value)
  • 5 module Rise Of The Influencer course ($197 Value)
  • 3 module Facebook Ads Masterclass ($197 Value)
  • 8 additional weekly LIVE group meetings with Ryan Kingslien
  • Personally tailored strategies to launch your brand and/or course!



  • 8 Modules of dynamic content
  • Step-by-step guides, & checklists to building your brand
  • Step-by-step guides & checklists to launching your online product.
  • In-depth marketing & strategy modules
  • In-depth behind-the-scenes modules
  • 8 weekly LIVE group meetings with Ryan Kingslien
  • 12 module step by step course on creating your online course ($997 Value)
  • 7 module Webinar Launch Formula course ($497 Value)
  • 5 module Rise Of The Influencer course ($197 Value)
  • 3 module Facebook Ads Masterclass ($197 Value)
  • 8 additional weekly LIVE group meetings with Ryan Kingslien
  • Personally tailored strategies to launch your brand and/or course!



  • 8 Modules of dynamic content
  • Step-by-step guides, & checklists to building your brand
  • Step-by-step guides & checklists to launching your online product.
  • In-depth marketing & strategy modules
  • In-depth behind-the-scenes modules
  • 8 weekly LIVE group meetings with Ryan Kingslien
  • 12 module step by step course on creating your online course ($997 Value)
  • 7 module Webinar Launch Formula course ($497 Value)
  • 5 module Rise Of The Influencer course ($197 Value)
  • 3 module Facebook Ads Masterclass ($197 Value)
  • 8 additional weekly LIVE group meetings with Ryan Kingslien
  • Personally tailored strategies to launch your brand and/or course!



If you're not happy within the first 30 days just shoot us off an email and we'll refund your money.


If you haven't generated $1,000 dollars within 60 days of starting this course...

... I'll personally get on the phone with you for a FREE HOUR long strategy session to get you back on track!

"The first in my life Iā€™m feeling free and I was able to get rid off a lot of baggage on the way which I kept carrying with me for the past 10 years or so."








  • You'll get the same system I designed as an Influencer to launch over 100 courses and generate mulitple seven figures in revenue.
  • You'll learn how to discover your Mission and the one thing you must do to productize it into an empire that reaches thousands.. 
  • You'll get the simple processes that help you reach the people who matter to you - so you can stop worrying about your Facebook or Instagram likes.
  • You'll breakthrough the mental blocks that have kept you chained to your regular job - empower your unique voice to make a difference in the world.

Enrollment Ends...









Choose A Payment Plan



  • 8 Modules of dynamic content
  • Step-by-step guides, & checklists to building your brand
  • Step-by-step guides & checklists to launching your online product.
  • In-depth marketing & strategy modules
  • In-depth behind-the-scenes modules
  • 8 weekly LIVE group meetings with Ryan Kingslien
  • 12 module step by step course on creating your online course ($997 Value)
  • 7 module Webinar Launch Formula course ($497 Value)
  • 5 module Rise Of The Influencer course ($197 Value)
  • 3 module Facebook Ads Masterclass ($197 Value)
  • 8 additional weekly LIVE group meetings with Ryan Kingslien
  • Personally tailored strategies to launch your brand and/or course!



  • 8 Modules of dynamic content
  • Step-by-step guides, & checklists to building your brand
  • Step-by-step guides & checklists to launching your online product.
  • In-depth marketing & strategy modules
  • In-depth behind-the-scenes modules
  • 8 weekly LIVE group meetings with Ryan Kingslien
  • 12 module step by step course on creating your online course ($997 Value)
  • 7 module Webinar Launch Formula course ($497 Value)
  • 5 module Rise Of The Influencer course ($197 Value)
  • 3 module Facebook Ads Masterclass ($197 Value)
  • 8 additional weekly LIVE group meetings with Ryan Kingslien
  • Personally tailored strategies to launch your brand and/or course!



  • 8 Modules of dynamic content
  • Step-by-step guides, & checklists to building your brand
  • Step-by-step guides & checklists to launching your online product.
  • In-depth marketing & strategy modules
  • In-depth behind-the-scenes modules
  • 8 weekly LIVE group meetings with Ryan Kingslien
  • 12 module step by step course on creating your online course ($997 Value)
  • 7 module Webinar Launch Formula course ($497 Value)
  • 5 module Rise Of The Influencer course ($197 Value)
  • 3 module Facebook Ads Masterclass ($197 Value)
  • 8 additional weekly LIVE group meetings with Ryan Kingslien
  • Personally tailored strategies to launch your brand and/or course!



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Be Notified As Soon As We Reopen!

In The Influencer Method, you'll learn how to create successful
Online Courses built and packaged around You.

Your courses will serve your Mission, deliver your Impact and share your Influence.

Simply enter your name and email below to be notified when Registration opens again.